ltem Pick-Up
Our current price for pick-ups is $20 (within Damariscotta) and $25 (in other area towns). Cash is preferred, but checks are also acceptable (made payable to Miles Memorial Hospital League).
Call to Arrange for a Pick-Up
Call 207-563-1331 and leave your name, phone number, address with ZIP Code and a brief description of the items you are donating, including how many, what size (e.g., four large boxes of kitchenware, a 4-drawer chest and a standard size sofa). We typically schedule 1-2 weeks in advance.
Prepare Your Items for Pick-Up
In preparation for your pick-up, please ensure that the items you are donating are gathered and boxed/bagged together and marked (so that we don’t accidentally take items you don’t want to donate). If possible, items should be brought to the first floor. Our pick-up drivers are not professional movers/packers, but they will be prepared with hand trucks and moving blankets.
On Pick-Up Day
We strive to arrive within a 30-minute window of your scheduled time and will call you if we anticipate a delay. We reserve the right to decline any items for any reason, including demand, quality and/or accessibility.
Donation Receipt
For tax purposes, we will provide you with a donation receipt signed by our treasurer on which you may estimate the value of your donated items.
Stay in Touch
If you would like to receive occasional e-mails from the Miles Memorial Hospital League, please sign-up here!