
"... the Miles Memorial Hospital League has donated more than two million dollars to LincolnHealth ... and has provided tens of thousands of dollars to support other local healthcare and wellness related organizations."

On November 20, 1930, a small article appeared in the Lincoln County News. It asked all interested women to attend a meeting to discuss the formation of a women’s hospital auxiliary. Twenty-five women attended that first meeting and voted to organize what has come to be known all these decades later as the Miles Memorial Hospital League.

Fundraising efforts that first year included doughnut sales, a dramatic performance and an antique exhibit. Such endeavors soon led to the donation of $1,500 to the hospital, which was used as the final payment of its then mortgage. League members volunteered their time, as well, sewing much-needed items including surgical gowns, baby blankets and bed linens.

Through the years the league grew, as did its fundraising efforts. Garden tours, rummage sales, golf tournaments and dinner dances raised money that was used by the hospital to purchase much needed equipment. In 1953, the league began awarding scholarships to deserving nursing students. By 1961, the ever-popular rummage sales were back and over the years evolved into what we now call tent sales held in the warmer months at the league’s drop-off center off Belvedere Road.

Fashion shows, a coffee shop and gift shop at the hospital also provided income for the league, as did a popular Damariscotta Kitchens cookbook and the printing and sale of holiday cards. And while the rummage sales were thriving, in 2004 the league decided to expand on its ability to sell donated items year-round by opening a thrift shop. In 2010, the Miles Thrift Shop relocated to its current location on Church Street and in 2023, the league purchased that 4-story circa 1850 barn to further ensure the viability of its efforts and support of local healthcare.

Since those 25 women first met back in 1930, the Miles Memorial Hospital League has donated more than two million dollars to LincolnHealth and its predecessors. In addition, the league has provided tens of thousands of dollars to support other local healthcare and wellness related organizations.

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Miles Memorial Hospital League History photo
Miles Memorial Hospital Thrift Shop